Download Editorial Letter Format for Madhyamik, Class 9, 10, 12 under West Bengal Board exam preparation. It will helps you to write so many letters in English. Editorial letter format helps to write so many editorial letters.
Editorial Letter Format:
Editorial Letter Format
The Editor
Name of the Newspaper
& Address
Sub. ———————————-
I, hereby undersigned person, want to ventilate through your esteemed daily newspaper about the problem/ matter/ issue of …………………………………………in our locality/ country / society. I want to draw your kind and valuable attention on my below writings. My earnest request is about of following –
At present in our locality it is bitter and hard problem because…………………………..
…………………………………………………………(Subject matter)……………….………….…………….
Therefore, it is my heartiest request you to publish the above note and inform the public and the authority sharply. So that the above article can be reached to the readers. People should be aware of it. Earnestly and respectfully I want your mightier pen to write the above article in your daily newspaper. It will be pleasures to get positive result from you.
Thanking you,
Yous faithfully,
Place: Ghatal
Date: 16.02.2016 Rupam Pan
See Also: Official Letter Format in English Writing
NOTE : Most of the editorial letters will be possible for presentation of all kinds of editorial letters.
Download English Writing Letter Format for your West Bengal Board Madhyamik exam preparation. It will helps you to write so many letters in English. Editorial letter format helps to write so many editorial letters. Editorial Letter format for class 9. Editorial letter format for Madhyamik. Editorial letter format for class 10. Editorial letter format for class 12.