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Madhyamik English Question Paper 2017 (wbbse) with Answer

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Download Madhyamik English Question Paper 2017 PDF with Answer under WBBSE Board. West Bengal Class 10 previous year question paper 2017 for English subject. See Madhyamik previous year English question paper – 2017. English question paper 2017 will immensely help the Madhyamik students who are preparing the Madhyamik exam.

English Question Paper 2017:

Madhyamik English Question Paper – 2017 (wbbse). Download Madhyamik English Question Paper for West Bengal Secondary Examination. Madhyamik English Question Paper – 2017. See Madhyamik previous year English question paper – 2017. English question paper 2017 will immensely help the Madhyamik students who are preparing the exam of 2018. You will get complete idea about last year English Question in new syllabus. So download and prepare yourself.

Madhyamik 2017 English Question Paper
Second Language (WBBSE)


  1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

It is always lovely on the Big Half Moon in summer. When it is fine, the harbour is blue and calm, with little wind and ripples. Every summer, we had some hobby. The last summer before Dick and Mimi came, we were crazy about kites. A boy on the mainland showed Claude how to make them. Back on the island we made plenty of kites. Claude would go around to the other side of the island and we would play shipwrecked mariners signaling to each other with kites.

We had a kite that was big and covered with lovely red paper. We pasted gold tinsel stars all over it and had written our names full on it- Claude Leete and Philippa Leete, Big Half Moon lighthouse.

 One day there was a grand wind for kite-flying. I’m not sure how it happened, but as I was bringing the kits from the house, I tripped and fell over the rocks. My elbow went clear through the kite, making a big hole.

We had to hurry to fix the kite if we wanted to send it up before the wind fell. We rushed into the lighthouse to get some paper. We knew there was no more red paper. We took the first thing that came handy — an old letter lying on the bookcase in the sitting room. We patched the kite up with the letter, a sheet on each side and dried it by the fire. We started out, and up went the kite like a bird.

  1. Write the correct alternative to complete the following sentences: 1×5=5

(i) The Big Half Moon looked lovely during — (a) spring, (b) summer, (c) autumn, (d) winter.
(ii) The narrator and his playmates pretended to be — (a) robbers, (b) adventurers, (c) mountaineers, (d) shipwrecked mariners
(iii) The part of the narrator’s body that went through the kite was his — (a) elbow, (b) ankle, (c) knee, (d) fingers (iv) The narrator of the text is — (a) Dick, (b) Mimi, (c) Philippa, (d) Claude
(v) The kite was mended with a — (a) red paper, (b) letter, (c) leaflet, (d) newspaper.

  1. Complete the following sentences with information from the text: 1×3=3

(i) The visitors to the island last summer were……………………………..
(ii) The name of the lighthouse was…………………………………..
(iii) They hurried to fix the kite because………………………………….

  1. State whether the following statements are True or False. Write T for True and ‘F’ for False in the boxes or the right-hand side. Provide sentences / phrases / words in support of your answer: 2×2=4

(i) In summer the island is rough and windy.
Supporting Statement:
(ii) The names of Claude and Philippa were written on the kite.
Supporting Statement:


  1. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow:

The mountain and the squirrel
Had a quarrel:
And the former called the latter ‘Little Prig.’
Bun replied,
‘You are doubtless very big;
But all sorts of things and weather
Must be taken in together,
To make up a year
And a sphere.
And I think it no disgrace
To occupy my place.
If I’m not so large as you.
You are not so small as I,
And not half so spry.
I’ll not deny you make
A very pretty squirrel track;
Talents differ; all is well and wisely put;
If I cannot carry forests on my back,
Neither can you crack a nut.

  1. Write the correct alternative to complete the following sentences: 1×4=4

(i) ‘Little Prig’ refers to— (a) The mountain,(b)  the squirrel, (c) the forest, (d) a nut.
(ii) The mountain is — (a) very wise, (b) quite lively, (c) very big,(d)very pretty.
(iii) The quarrel was between — (a) the forest and the squirrel, (b) a nut and the squirrel, (c) talent and wisdom,
(d) the mountain and the squirrel
(iv) Unlike the squirrel the mountain can — (a) carry forests on its back, (b) crack a nut, (c) move about happily,
(d) make a sphere.

  1. Answer the following questions: 2×2=4

(i) How does the mountain make fun of the squirrel ? (ii) Mention two qualities of the mountain.


  1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

P.V. Sindhu, India’s latest badminton superstar, spoke freely and frankly to the press. She impressed everyone with her charming manner, infectious smile and friendly jokes. The Rio Olympics silver medalist is a lively 21 year old with a sharp brain and fierce dedication to her work. She recalled her days at Gopichand’s Academy. She told the press that she started her training at 4.30 a.m. everyday and she wished to continue to stick to that same schedule. She was full of praise for Gopichand’s Academy. “I can tell you,” she said with great excitement, “the infrastructure and everything has been perfect and we have been getting all the facilities. Whatever we have wanted has been there.”
When she was asked how she felt to be a woman achiever, she replied, ‘It’s really a great feeling.” She added that all the women participants from India performed really well, because she believed that coming to the Olympics itself was a very big achievement.
Sindhu was asked to comment on her feeling on the day of the final match. She said that she was confident and even her coach Gopichand believed that she could do it. On National Sports Day, 29th August, Sindhu along with Deepa Karmakar and Sakshi Malik received the Rajib Gandhi Khel Ratna award.
Adapted from an interview published in The Times of India, dated 31st August, 2016

  1. Choose the correct answers from the alternatives given :                                                     1×6=6

(i) P.V. Sindhu is the latest superstar in the field of — (a) table-tennis  (b) badminton  (c) lawn tennis (d)hockey
(ii) P.V. Sindhu is – (a) 25 years old  (b) 43 years old  (c) 21 years old  (d) 17 years old
(iii) Sindhu was trained at — (a) Gopichand’s Academy □, (b) Sports Authority of India  (c) a local badminton
club  (d) National Sports Academy
(iv) Everyday Sindhu started her training — (a) in the afternoon, (b) early in the morning, (c) in the evening, (d)at midday
(v) National Sports Day is observed on — (a) 29th August, (b) 15th August, (c) 5th September, (d) 2nd October. (vi) The above passage is an adaptation from — (a) a story, (b) a report, (c) an article, (d) an interview

  1. Each of the following statements is either True’ or ‘False’. Write T’ for True’ and ‘F’ for ‘False’ in the boxes on the right-hand side. Also pick out suitable line(s) or phrase from the passage in support of your answers:

(1+1) x3=6
(i) While speaking to the press Sindhu was nervous and shy.
Supporting Statement:
(ii) Sindhu was full of admiration for Gopichand’s Academy.
Supporting Statement:
(iii) As a woman achiever she felt excited.
Supporting Statement:

  1. Answer the following questions: 2×4=8

(i)  How did Sindhu impress everyone?
(ii)  Mention the two special qualities that Sindhu has.
(iii) What is Sindhu’s opinion about the women participants from India at the Rio Olympics?
(iv)  How did Sindhu feel on the day of the final match?

Read Also: Madhyamik English Question Paper 2020 with Answers.

  1. Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks:                                                                   1×3=3

Minara Begum, who (i) (a) was coaching, (b) has been coaching, (c) is coaching – national-level gymnasts for 30 years, (ii) (a) is surprised, (b) has been surprised, (c) was surprised-to receive a call from a parent soon after Deepa Karmakar     (iii)     (a) will finish, (b) was finished, (c) finished – fourth in the Olympics.

  1. Do as directed:
  2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions: 1×3=3

When John arrived……………Mumbai…………..train, there was not…………..single penny in his pocket

  1. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given in brackets: 1×3=3

(i)  It was raining. The children could not go out to play.  (Join into a complex sentence
(ii) My friend gave me a story book. (Change the voice)
(iii) The policeman said to the thief, “Where have you kept the stolen goods ?”  (Change into Indirect Speech)

  1. Choose the phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Write the correct phrasal verbs in the boxes on the right-hand side changing the form, where necessary. There is one extra phrasal verb in the list. 1×3=3

(i) The patient will recover within a week.
(ii)  Please do not reject my proposal.
(iii) He wore a white shirt.
[List: put on, put off, turn down, come round]

  1. Given below are the meanings of four words which you will find in Question No. 3. Find out the words and write them in the appropriate boxes on the right-hand side. 2×4=8

(i) very pleasant and attractive.
(ii) basic systems and services for an organization.
(iii) something done successfully.
(iv) feeling sure about one’s ability.


  1. Write a story (in about 100 words) with the help of the points given below and add a suitable title. 10

[Points : shepherd tends sheep near a forest — raises false alarm of a wolf — villagers rush to his rescue — shepherd enjoys — one day wolf really comes — shepherd cries for help — nobody comes — wolf kills sheep

  1. Write a letter (in about 100 words) to a friend living in a village about the place you live in. You may use the following points.       10
[Points: The name of the place you live in — district where situated — the people around you — sights worth seeing — why you like the place.]
  1. Use the following flow-chart to write a paragraph (in about 100 words) on the preparation of a mixture useful for rehydration or maintaining balance of water in the body:       10

[ Points :Wash hands, pots, spoons, glass — boil one liter water in pot—cool — add six level teaspoons of sugar and half teaspoon of common salt — stir well — ready]



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