Read Exam Tips for Higher Secondary Examination 2023 under WBCHSE Board. Study plan for class 12. What is the right study plan before examination. Main strategies to succeed in examination.
Exam Tips for Higher Secondary Examination 2023:
There are different stream such as Science, Commerce and Arts. However which exam tips are important to know before going to take seat in the examination hall. Here are some useful exam tips. These exam tips will help you immensely. Follow below noted exam tips.You want to get high marks in Higher Secondary Examination 2023 (wbchse). The best Study Tips for Higher Secondary Examination 2023 preparation. Top Study tactics how to follow.
There are so many different question in your mind that how to get good marks, how to beat other students, how to rank in school higher, how to become topper in Higher Secondary. I want to solve these heart beating tension. I state some tips followings –
1. Knowledge about Syllabus:
You should have proper knowledge about your own syllabus. If have no clear conception about it ultimately you are looser I think. Making a proper planning or targeting you should have a good and enough idea about your own study syllabus. How ever at first you will have to open your syllabus and plan today.
2. Making a competitive mind:
Your mind should become competitive. Remember jealous reading leads one to higher position. So second time prepare your mind that you have to read now. You have to prove that you are not a coward. You can get high marks. Build your self confidence. You are not a looser. Your parents give a birth of a real hero. So don’t neglect time. Start in today not in tomorrow. Because one and only the most important time is now i.e. The Present time. Remember that very minutely.
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3. Time Schedule:
It is the most most most most important point to be noted. Time is very essential thing which should not be neglected by other attraction. You should have a correct time schedule. You first make a daily reading time schedule now. If you love your girlfriend then I can imagine about your deep love. If can love so deeply, then you will love reading so deeply I think. You should read minimum 8 hours by reading and also writing a day excluding tuition hours.
There are so many students who reject answers in Examination Hall due to insufficient time.
4. Complete Total Syllabus:
Then you have to complete you subjective study which cover total syllabus. In the mean time you should have to follow text book, Teacher’s notes etc.
5. Revision of the Book:
It is an important point also. Before test Examination, you should have complete subjective revision minimum three times. And before Higher Secondary Examination I mean Board Examination, you should have to complete 5 times Revision of the study books and notes.
6. Recover Weak Point:
After that you have to repair your weak points. That is which I want to mean that you drop out your question or you drop out some important points in notes or you make spelling mistakes or your hand writing is very bad. Whatever! Only you are the one who must know self weak point better. So recover it quickly.
7. Writing Practice:
It’s point is more effective. Do whatever you read, write everything. Writing is much important to get high marks. Suppose you read well. You answers every question well but when you write on answer pages, there are so many mistakes are happening without you knowledge.
8. Test Paper Practice:
Before you Test Examination, prepare minimum 30 pages from Old Test Paper Book of your every subject. After Test Exam, do same on New Test Paper.
9. Recover Your Time:
We must know that how much time are invested on Face Book or any other social network by us. Recover those times and invest these on your study for only 3 months. That’s lead a great result.
10. Be Healthy Always:
Before landing on a battle field or a Target way, you must remember about your good health’s condition which is very necessary to be a hero in a Battlefield. You should have maintain your health condition with an extra care.
Conclusion: However Its not a dialogue. It’s realistic tips by which you can get a proper way to successive Rock.