Read Long Question Answer of Asleep in the Valley for HS 2021 Exam preparation. Long question answers of the poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’. West Bengal Higher Secondary Examination Preparation. This is special class notes of the poem asleep in the valley to prepare English Subject Examination of WBCHSE. Higher Secondary Examination. This will help you immensely.
Long Question Answer of Asleep in the Valley for HS
Long Questions:
⇛Give the substance / critical appreciation / central idea of the poem.
⇛Discuss the natural description in the poem.
⇛Discuss the poem as an anti-war poem.
⇛“His smile is like an infant’s ‘ – why and whose smile is compare to whom?
⇛“In his side there are two red holes” – what does the hole signify?
⇛“The humming insects don’t disturbed his rest” – why his rest not disturbed by insects?
( প্রতিটি লং প্রশ্নের জন্য একটি ই মাত্র নিম্নলিখিত উত্তর)
The well-known famous poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’ which is written by the great poet ‘Arthur Rimbaud’is perfectly an anti-war poem. The poet brings out the futility of war. After the complete reading of the story we can understand the significance of the poem. Here the followings explanation is stated for significance-
At the starting of the poem we find a good natural description in the poem. A Valley is small and green where a slow stream flows. There are leaves of silver colour on the Bright grass. From the mountaintop the sun rays are coming like stream. They feel the hollow with their light. The poet gives us a fine natural description.
But a very young soldier lies on the valley. His body is stretched in the heavy undergrowth. His body becomes colourless by the warm green sun-soaked bed. His feet are among the powers. He sleeps peacefully. His smile is compared to an infant’s smile which is gentle and guilty less. The poet addresses to the nature to keep the soldier’s body warm because the soldier’s body may catch cold.
The poet requests the Humming insects not to I disturb he is rest because he sleeps in sunlight. His one hand is on his breast. There are two red holes which indicate the bullet wound on the body of the soldier. The poet gives the indication at last that the soldier is dead.
He sleeps in sunlight, one hand on his breast;
At peace. In his side there are two red holes.
The poet wants to say that the soldier is very young whose death is immature. The futile war snatches his live. Here in the valley where no one can respect him rather to complete the final funeral of the soldier’s body. The poet wants to show respect to the dead soldier. There are no relative for the soldier. War snatches everything of the soldier. So, the poet addresses to the nature and humming insects to take care of the body.
The smile of the soldier is compared to an infant’s smile because an infant’s smile is completely gentle and guiltless. Now the soldier is dead so he has no sense of war. His mind is changed to an infant’s mind. Through this poem the poet wants to show the result of War.
At last it is endless to say that the famous poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’ is justified and appropriate to the stated question.
Others Notes:
Thank you sir for the important notes. very useful notes sir.
Very useful notes sir. I am waiting for other chapters.