Download HS Bengali Question Pattern 2023 for WBCHSE Class 12. Class 12 question pattern of Bengali subject. West Bengal Higher Secondary question structure.
“HS Bengali Question Pattern 2023 for WBCHSE Class 12”
HS Bengali Question Pattern 2023:
Every student who are going to prepare for West Bengal Higher Secondary Examination, they should know properly about the question pattern of Bengali subject. According to New Syllabus of WBCHSE, below details are stated clearly as Bengali question Pattern.
Topic | MCQ
Total Marks |
গল্প | 1X5=5 | 1X2=2 | 5X1=5 | 12 |
নাটক | 1X3=3 | 1X2=2 | 5X1=5 | 10 |
কবিতা | 1X4=4 | 1X4=4 | 5X1=5 | 13 |
আন্তর্জাতিক কবিতা / ভারতীয় গল্প | 1X1=1 | 1X1=1 | 5X1=5 | 7 |
পূর্ণাঙ্গ গ্রন্থ | …… | ….. | 5X1=5 | 5 |
শিল্প সাহিত্য ও সংস্কৃতির ইতিহাস | 1X3=3 | ….. | 5X2=10 | 13 |
ভাষা | 1X2=2 | 1X3=3 | 5X1=5 | 10 |
প্রবন্ধ | ….. | ….. | 10X1=10 | 10 |
মোট | 18 | 12 | 50 | 80 |